Our Vision

Sanskar Public Sr. Sec. School Kota, is a child friendly school. We believe child should have the opportunity to fulfil ones ambitious, dreams and goals. Each child has a thought process which is unique. At SPS we endeavour to bring out that intelligence quotient and thinking skills in each child which makes him stand strong in the crowd.
We have creative responses to the dream and ambitious of others; We seek
to” Walk a step or two with values, wisdom & creativity”.
Sanskar Public Sr. Sec. School Kota for all school goers is ready to set an
example by being caring, considerate and cooperative. Our ethos is built on
a culture of positive reinforcement and strong value system. 

Our Mission

Management at Sanskar Public Sr. Sec. School Kota has a mission that the
school should have a secure, pleasant and supportive environment to unlock
the creative talents in every single child. Our school shall always be
thriving, dynamic and supportive to nurture childhood

Our Values and Atrributes

At Sanskar, as the name suggests, we strive to inculcate moral values and
ethics so that the child grows up with a solid foundation.
Our values and attributes, which align with our guiding statements, are
integral to creating a school culture and climate to realise our educational
  • Cleanliness
  • Commitment
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Self-Discipline
  • Perseverance
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty
  • Determination
  • Teamwork
  • Trust

Chairperson's Message

Smt. Shakuntala Devi hails from the family of Lashkares of Jaipur. She represents tradition, values and a looking forward to the future generation. Her belief in educating the younger generation so that the future can be shaped has lead to the formation of Sanskar Public Sr. Sec. School Kota

Director's Message

Dear Parents.
Welcome to Sanskar Public Sr. Sec. School Kota. I am really pleased to share with
you all the great things about our school and I hope that you will enjoy being part
We are very proud of our school values. We have dedicated and committed staff
and excellent resources along with facilities which contribute to a very high
quality of learning environment.
Our scientifically designed syllabus encourages learning to be fun, creative and
value based for each child. We provide a broad and balanced education-in
languages (reading, writing, and mathematics coupled with environment to
enjoy and excel in music & dance. We see our children to be caring individuals,
successful learners and creative thinking citizens with values embedded. We look forward to working with you to
make your child’s years at Sanskar Public Sr. Sec School Kota a truly happy and rewarding time
Together we can” rise to be wise”
The Management at Sanskar Public Sr Sec School Kota will focus on every child’s moral & mental development,
to strike a balance between their budding innocent childhood & the demands of today’s highly competitive world.
We endeavour to develop balanced personalities who will be our future generation responsible leaders.
Truly Yours
Priyanka Mittal